With the Minecraft 1.20 Trails & Tales update, camels were introduced as a unique mob that adds to the exploration and survival experience. However, unlike horses or wolves, camels cannot be tamed in the traditional sense.

minecraft camel sitting on the ground at sunset

Can You Tame a Camel in Minecraft?

You don’t need to “tame” a camel to ride it. Instead, all you need is a saddle and a desert village where camels naturally spawn.

How to Ride a Camel

alex from minecraft riding a camel

While you can’t tame camels, riding them is simple:

  1. Find a Camel: Camels naturally spawn in desert villages, so explore these areas to locate one.
  2. Equip a Saddle: You’ll need a saddle to ride a camel. Saddles can be found in loot chests, or you can trade with villagers to acquire one.
  3. Mount the Camel: Right-click (or use the action button) to sit on the camel.
  4. Place the Saddle: Open the camel’s inventory and equip the saddle to control its movements.
  5. Ride and Explore: Once saddled, you can ride and guide your camel wherever you like.

Why Choose a Camel?

minecraft camel jumping

Camels are a unique addition to Minecraft with several advantages:

  • Height Advantage: While riding a camel, you’re tall enough to avoid attacks from many hostile mobs like zombies, giving you extra safety during exploration.
  • Two-Seater Capability: Camels are the only rideable mob that can carry two players at once, making them perfect for multiplayer adventures.
  • Dash Mechanic: Camels can perform a “dash” to cross small gaps or obstacles, adding to their utility in desert environments.

How to Breed Camels

baby minecraft camel and its mum

Though taming isn’t possible, you can still breed camels for more companions. Here’s how:

  1. Collect Cactus: Camels eat cactus, which you can find in desert biomes or grow yourself.
  2. Feed Two Camels: Offer a piece of cactus to two camels, and they’ll enter love mode.
  3. Welcome a Baby Camel: A baby camel will appear, ready to grow into your next rideable friend.

Pro Tip: Desert Adventure Ready

Camels are particularly useful in desert biomes due to their design and abilities. If you’re setting up a base near a desert village, camels can be a great asset for exploring, transporting, or even just riding for fun with friends.

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