Minecraft 1.21 has introduced a thrilling new challenge with the addition of Trial Chambers. These procedurally generated underground structures are filled with traps, powerful mobs, and unique rewards. This guide will help you navigate the dangers and treasures of Trial Chambers, ensuring you come out victorious.


  • Locate and Explore: Trial Chambers are challenging dungeons deep underground between layers -20 and -40, filled with traps, trial spawners, and unique mobs like the Breeze. Look for copper and tuff walls to find them while mining or exploring caves.
  • Prepare and Combat: Equip diamond armor, a melee weapon, and a shield. Bring a water bucket, slow-falling potions, and blocks for cover. Be ready to face trial spawners that generate mobs based on the number of players, and navigate traps triggered by the Breeze's wind charges.
  • Loot and Conquer: Defeating the Breeze yields valuable Breeze Rods for crafting. Conquer Trial Chambers with friends on a Shockbyte server for an even more fun and rewarding experience.

What Are Trial Chambers?

Trial Chambers are new auto-generating dungeons that debut in Minecraft 1.21. These chambers are complex, trap-filled mazes located deep underground between layers -20 and -40. Each chamber is unique, providing a different challenge with every exploration.

Isometric Trial Chamber
Isometric Trial Chamber

Trial Chambers are teeming with traps, trial spawners, and the fearsome Breeze mob. They are designed to test your combat skills and offer significant rewards for those brave enough to face their perils.

How to Find Trial Chambers

Trial Chambers are hidden beneath the overworld, making them a bit tricky to locate. You won’t find any surface indicators pointing to their presence, so discovering them often involves mining or cave exploration.

When exploring underground, keep an eye out for copper and tuff walls, which signify the entrance to a Trial Chamber. Carefully break through to see what lies beyond—anything from combat rooms to treasure-filled chambers awaits.

Journeyman-cartographer Villager
Journeyman-cartographer Villager

You can also locate them using trial chambers maps, which can be obtained by trading with a journeyman-cartographer villager for 12 emeralds and a compass.

Trial Chamber's Structure

All trial chambers share a similar structure, made up of 5 components: atrium, corridors, hallways and chambers. There is always 1 entrance chamber, which is used as the starting point when the game generates a trial chambers structure,

  • Atrium: This is a tall room which connects the entrance chamber to the first corridor.
  • Corridors: They may contain trial spawners of any category except Breeze, as well as supply chests, decorated pots and tripwire traps. Here you will find copper doors that lead to trial chambers.
  • Hallways: They branch off the corridors and may lead to extra combat chambers.
  • Chambers: Here's where you will face the real combat, each containing multiple trial spawners, vaults, an ominous vault and empty chests.

Since mobs only spawn from trial spawners within the chambers, you won’t face random enemy encounters, allowing you to plan your approach strategically.

Understanding Trial Spawners

Trial Spawners are unique to Trial Chambers and spawn mobs based on the number of nearby players. Here’s how they work:

  • Breeze Trial Spawner: Summons 2 Breezes in a single-player world, plus 1 additional Breeze for each additional player.
  • General Trial Spawner: Can spawn up to 6 mobs in single-player, plus 2 more for each additional player.

The surrounding blocks of a trial spawner hint at the type of mobs it will spawn. Here’s a quick guide to what each block indicates:

  • Breeze: 1 copper, 4 chiseled copper, 4 chiseled tuff.
  • Zombie: 1 block of copper, 4 chiseled copper, 4 mossy cobblestone.
  • Husk: 1 block of copper, 4 chiseled copper, 4 chiseled sandstone.
  • Spider: 1 block of copper, 4 chiseled copper, one of which with 1 cobweb on top, 4 stone with 4 cobwebs on top.
  • Slime: 1 block of copper, 4 chiseled copper, 4 moss blocks
  • Silverfish: 1 block of copper, 4 chiseled copper, 4 stone bricks
  • Baby Zombie: 1 block of copper, 4 chiseled copper, 2 cobblestone, 2 mossy cobblestone
  • Cave Spider: 1 block of copper, 4 chiseled copper, one of which with 1 cobweb on top, 2 podzol with 2 red mushrooms on top, 2 stone with 2 cobwebs on top
  • Stray: 1 block of copper, 4 chiseled copper, 4 packed ice
  • Skeleton: 1 block of copper, 4 chiseled copper, 4 bone blocks
  • Bogged: 1 block of copper, 4 chiseled copper, 2 podzol with 2 red mushrooms on top, 2 bone blocks

Trial spawners attempt to generate mobs every one to eight seconds and can spawn a specific number of mobs before becoming inactive.

Meet the Breeze

player fighting with breeze in minecraft
Minecraft 1.21 new mob, the Breeze

The Breeze is a new, challenging mob exclusive to Trial Chambers. Here’s what you need to know to defeat it:

  • Abilities: The Breeze attacks with wind charges, which deal damage and create wind bursts that knock players back. It can also activate buttons, levers, and trapdoors, triggering traps within the chamber.
  • Movement: The Breeze is highly mobile, leaping up to 15 blocks horizontally and 5 blocks vertically. It’s important to keep moving and avoid getting cornered.
  • Combat Tips: Use a shield to block wind charges, stay on the move to avoid attacks, and use melee weapons to deal damage. Bringing friends can make the fight easier, as more players mean more enemies but also more loot.

Check out our guide to defeating the Breeze here!

Essential Gear for Trial Chambers

Before venturing into a Trial Chamber, ensure you have the following gear:

  • Armor: Diamond armor is recommended for its durability and protection. Enchantments can offer additional benefits.
  • Melee Weapon: A sword is preferred due to its speed and enchantment options. Ranged weapons are ineffective against the Breeze.
  • Shield: Essential for blocking wind charges and mitigating damage.
  • Food: Necessary for health regeneration during and after battles.
  • Water Bucket: Helps to counteract knockback effects and land safely if thrown into the air.
  • Potion of Slow Falling: Prevents fall damage, though it may slow your movement.
  • Blocks: Useful for creating cover and navigating the chamber.

What Does the Breeze Drop?

breeze rod
It looks like a boring stick, but this is a Breeze Rod

Defeating the Breeze yields valuable loot, including Breeze Rods, which can be used in crafting:

  • Wind Charge Projectiles: Used to create ranged attacks.
  • New Mace Weapon: A powerful new melee weapon.
  • Flow Armor Trim: Enhances your armor with new abilities.

With Looting III, you can increase your haul to up to 8 Breeze Rods per Breeze, making each encounter highly rewarding.


Trial Chambers are an exhilarating addition to Minecraft 1.21, offering new challenges and rewards for adventurous players. With this guide, you’re now equipped to tackle these dungeons and emerge victorious. Have any tips or experiences to share? Let us know in the comments below!

Play Together for More Fun!

Trial Chambers are filled with danger, but facing them with friends can make the experience even more enjoyable. Team up on your own Minecraft server with Shockbyte and conquer the challenges together. Click here to start your adventure today!

Stay tuned to the Shockbyte Blog for more tips, tricks, and updates on Minecraft 1.21. Happy gaming!

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